2020 Computing Area
Thanks to sterling work by several of our members, we now have a computing area comprising 6 dual booting PC’s running Windows 10 or Linux Mint. Two of the PC’s have dual monitors and all are connected to the internet.
All PC’s have design software, 3D printing slicers, software development packages.
They were recently successfully used by our second code club session.

June 2019
We started June with two days at the Riverside Festival with for the first time our own stand. Saturday was nice and sunny, Sunday on the damp side.

PI-Wars 2019
One of our younger members James competed in PI-Wars 2019 at Cambridge at the weekend. He was placed 10 out of 15 in his class which is a fantastic result as he never competed in any of the autonomous challenges. He managed to get through to the quarter-finals of PI-Noon where you have to burst balloons on your competitors robot.

2019 May
One of our busiest months with two exhibitions in Birmingham
3D Printer Meetup Birmingham
Last year Keith attended the first 3D Printer meetup in Birmingham. This year he went back with Hackspace members Bill and Jan with our own stand.

I think something went wrong with the timing of the last Sierpinski Pyramid. A case of Last Man Standing?
On Saturday, May 11th Tony represented Leicester Hackspace on the National Hackspace Stand at Makers Central NEC.
His milk bottle recycling and spark generator were well received.

Create-a-con 9th March 2019
The Hackspace attended creat-a-con at the LBC on Saturday, 9th March. It was another great success. Once the doors opened we had a steady flow of visitors. So many in fact we did not have time to take any pictures, we are waiting for the official ones. The 3D printers and sandbox were a great success, with lots of visitors asking about the PI’s and high energy display.