July 2023
Halfway through the year already and we are about to roll out training on our laser cutter to the first group of members. It still needs some work to improve the accuracy, but it is great for small pieces.
We have started to run our Monday Mechatronics from 1730 to enable junior members to come along. Hopefully they will be entering PI WARS 2024.
Thursday evenings are proving popular for 3D printing and our Stitch and Bitch evenings. More information can be found on our facebook page.
Talking of 3D printing, some of our members have printed a quarter size R2D2, watch this page, and we will post a picture when it is complete. Another member is making a full size K9 from Doctor Who.
January 2023
We have recently made some changes to the layout of the Hackspace, opening up the entrance and moving some equipment around.

November 2021
We are getting very close to having a working Laser Cutter available to all members. The team repairing it have been using it to cut some material. In addition, we will have two CNC machines and a Vinyl Cutter available for use.
August 2021
Slightly behind schedule but the roof tiles have been repaired, desks set up and started to clean the kitchen. Thursday night 3D printing sessions are proving popular with members being inducted or using the machines. On Tuesday nights one of our Directors is available to show prospective members around.
July 2021
We are getting ready to re-open for face to face meetings. Members have been busy during lockdown repairing machines and getting rid of excess equipment. We should have two CNC machines, a Vinyl Cutter and our laser cutter ready for members to use. One of the jobs was to re-fit some of the roof insulation tiles.