Raspberry PI Birthday Jam Party a success
We had 21 tickets taken up out of 40 for the event with 17 attendees plus members. There was a workshop area with 8 Pis where attendees could use Scratch or Python to control some traffic light LEDS provided by the foundation. Russ brought along his collections of Pis with a robot arm , Steve brought along some of his robots. In the Pi noon arena James Pi Wars entry had several hours of testing. Our doorman George did a great job welcoming people.
Raspberry PI BirthDay Jam
The Hackspace is hosting a Raspberry PI Birthday Jam on Saturday, March 2nd.
Tickets for non-members are available free of charge from, search for our
event on the day and book your ticket.
All welcome, if you are under the age of 16 you must come with a responsible adult.
Novices and experts welcome.
We will have workshops, demonstrations and if you have got a PI and want some help, come along.
One of our members has been accepted for PI-Wars on March 31st, watch this space to see how we get on
Laser Cutter Status
There has been some excellent work carried out by several members, resulting in a test firing of the laser. Hopefully it won’t be too long before it is available to members to use, after a suitable induction of course.
Riverside June 2018
Divya organised this year’s attendance at the Riverside festival. We always attract quite a bit of interest and at our first Openhack night on the Tuesday after the event had a dozen or so members of the public come to have a look at us. Three of which signed up as members.